
Hi, my name is Curtis. Studying Japanese at the age of 12, one of my pursuits is to use this skill as a freelance translator, as well as for researching Japanese-related historical and cultural topics. Understanding and promoting the historical culture of Japan has become one of my passions over the years.

I also engage in martial arts, primarily Japanese martial systems. Studying the ways of Budo (as it is called in Japanese martial systems) as a way of life is a very personal journey I’ve undertaken. I am fortunate to not only train physically with many others who share the same interest, but also converse about spiritual and philosophical topics that are interlaced with the development of a martial artist. Through this experience, I am currently running  “Chikushin Martial & Cultural Training Group“.

I chose the title “Light in the Clouds” as the name of this blog due to significant meanings. The first, being hope for a brighter future. The second, to come out of my shell and share myself and my talents to the public. This is a big step especially regarding the second point, for those who know me over the years have encouraged me to share my talents and knowledge on a larger scale than just among friends. With this encouragement, is the birth of this blog.

The purpose of this blog is to provide information and knowledge regarding topics on Japanese tradition & culture, historical events, military affairs, and the rise and fall of numerous martial systems of Japan. My primary source will be from different Japanese-written books, documents, and websites. This is so to pick up points that may not be so readily known in English. I also will share insight in studying martial arts, which come from my own personal experiences on this never-ending journey to become proficient as a martial artist. Periodically, updates of translation works that are on my plate, as well as handmade training tools that I’m working on, will be posted.

Images on this blog are taken from my own camera, or similar devices in my household. Those images that were not taken by myself are either donated by friends, or property of other websites (used according to their Terms of Use), such as Wikipedia or Photo AC. Occasionally, sketch work will be provided by family members or good friends of mine.

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